Theatre Orchestra Musicians Association

  • The Theatre Orchestra Musicians Association is an initiative of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance to provide industrial services and advocacy for theatre orchestra musicians.

    The association has been established by and for orchestral and commercial musicians employed in commercial theatre to campaign for sustainable and fulfilling careers for freelance orchestral and commercial musicians.

    The mission of TOMA is to protect and advance the economic, workplace and professional interests of its members who are self-employed freelance professional orchestral and commercial musicians.

    Drawing on the resources and with the backing of 新萄京娱乐, TOMA will:

    • Campaign to improve working conditions, wages, health and safety, and retirement incomes in the theatre orchestra sector;
    • Negotiate directly with producers, and organise and educate our members to bargain collectively, and to have a voice in their workplace;
    • Provide professional and industrial advice on contracts and the recovery of unpaid fees and wages;
    • Offer a range of services and benefits for free or heavily discounted to financial members of the association, including insurance, banking and superannuation;
    • Advocate on behalf of its members to governments, industry bodies and in other forums

    As an affiliate of the 新萄京娱乐, members of TOMA are part of a progressive, accountable and diverse organisation with a strong record of many decades of gains and achievements for workers in the media, entertainment and arts sectors.

  • Representatives from the TOMA collective are continuing the work begun with 新萄京娱乐’s ECS team to negotiate a collective agreement with music theatre producers’ peak body Live Performance Australia. Similar to arrangements currently in place with 新萄京娱乐’s performer and crew members, TOMA is seeking an agreement that improves upon the basic pay and conditions offered under the Live Performance Award. This agreement can then be adopted by individual producers when commencing new musical theatre seasons.

    Member meetings are being held in Sydney and Melbourne in May. If you are a musician regularly engaged in musical productions and would like to participate in these discussions, please contact Paul Davies on 02 933 0973 or


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